军事统制区域 八二〇地带

    军事统制区域 八二〇地带

  • 状态:HD
  • 别名:District 820
  • 类型:电影悬疑惊悚电影
  • 主演:朴格蕾娜 
  • 导演:Goo Mo 
  • 年代:2013 
  • 时长:89分钟
  • 语言/字幕:韩语 
  • 国家/地区:韩国 
  • 更新时间:2020-07-01 22:31:07
  • 影视/评论:当前有0条评论
  • 影片版本:暂无
  • TAG:韩国,韩国电影,谍战军事,战争,军事,枪战,无字幕,惊悚,悬疑,KOREA
  • 简介:The border of 820 is where the North and South Koreas stand face to face. Elite female lieutenant Kwon Jin-kyeong from the Korean Military Academy and 4 other cavalry battalions are on patrol on their last day of training. Meanwhile, students from the photography club get lost on their way to check out scenery and enter BAse 820. An unknown shot is fired and the group is terrified. Kwon Jin-kyeong and her team look for the source of the shot...


简介:The border of 820 is where the North and South Koreas stand face to face. Elite female lieutenant Kwon Jin-kyeong from the Korean Military Academy and 4 other cavalry battalions are on patrol on their last day of training. Meanwhile, students from the photography club get lost on their way to check out scenery and enter BAse 820. An unknown shot is fired and the group is terrified. Kwon Jin-kyeong and her team look for the source of the shot...

军事统制区域 八二〇地带剧情介绍

久久韩剧网第一时间收录《军事统制区域 八二〇地带》并提供免费在线观看。《军事统制区域 八二〇地带》上映于 2020-07-01(韩国),是一部韩国制片作品,军事统制区域 八二〇地带主演列表、影片相关资讯、海报图片、上映更新时间、主演其他影片、 以及军事统制区域 八二〇地带剧情等内容。影片(剧)类型为电影,对白语言为韩语。
影片播放地址:如果喜欢这部影片《军事统制区域 八二〇地带》,分享链接 www.99hanju.com/voddetail/1563.html
《军事统制区域 八二〇地带》剧情简介:The border of 820 is where the North and South Koreas stand face to face. Elite female lieutenant Kwon Jin-kyeong from the Korean Military Academy and 4 other cavalry battalions are on patrol on their last day of training. Meanwhile, students from the photography club get lost on their way to check out scenery and enter BAse 820. An unknown shot is fired and the group is terrified. Kwon Jin-kyeong and her team look for the source of the shot...
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      1.请问哪个平台可以在线免费观看电影《军事统制区域 八二〇地带》?

      优酷视频网友:《军事统制区域 八二〇地带》免vip在线观看地址 www.99hanju.com/voddetail/1563.html

      2.《军事统制区域 八二〇地带》是什么时候上映/什么时候开播的?


      3.《军事统制区域 八二〇地带》主要演员有哪些?


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